Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

What are Sunday Success Steps?


One of the things Successful people have in common is that they plan. They look at their priorities, create a plan and then work it. They never show up to their office or a meeting without having clarity of what they want to accomplish.

To create success in your life,  how do you plan for the week ahead? Sundays are a great time to create that plan. I have a standing appointment with myself every Sunday to set myself up for a successful week.

My success steps in a nutshell are:

  1. Relax, Rejuvenate & Review Your Life’s Mission & your intention for yourself.
  2. Get clear what you want to accomplish
  3. Look at your calendar and see what appointments and obligations you have
  4. Add into your calendar Self-Care Time FIRST.
  5. Then, make appointments with yourself in alignment with your intentions and purpose.
  6. Leave some wiggle room for the inevitable bumps-in-the-road.


Some weeks require more time to do these success steps. Other weeks, this may only take 20 minutes or so. It typically depends on how ‘in tune’ I am with my mission and my intentions. The weeks when I’m a little  out of touch, I spend more time reconnecting with them to create success ahead.

By scanning and planning the week, you can take action and steps toward success with greater ease. I can see what is upcoming and better prepare for it. On the rare occasion that I don’t do this, my week tends to fall apart and all! How do you create success steps for your week ahead?

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  1. Planning is so important for success. I like your list especially Self Care first. Thanks for the ideas. Gotta go plan my week. 🙂 Best Regards, Wendy {UBC}


    Laura Clark Reply:

    You’re welcome, Wendy! If I don’t put that self-care first ‘in’, I’m doomed!!!! It’s the priority 🙂 Have a great planning time!


    Comment by Wendy Bottrell — January 27, 2013 @ 12:16 pm

  2. I need to get back to planning. I get more done that way.


    Comment by Debbie — January 27, 2013 @ 1:04 pm

  3. Wonderful tips 🙂 Planning is important.
    I take sundays to plan meals, look see what appts kids have, etc .I like to get the week all organized.


    Comment by Audrey — January 27, 2013 @ 1:11 pm

  4. Planning makes success easier for sure. But for me Sunday is for taking time to be with God. Not only do I need planning but I also need to feed my faith at church. That’s number one on Sunday. Everything I have has been given to me by God and I want to thank Him.


    Laura Clark Reply:

    Many people feel this way Arleen. My sister takes Saturday evenings to do her Sunday Success Steps just for that same reason. 🙂


    Comment by Arleen Bradley — January 27, 2013 @ 1:14 pm

  5. I remember when I needed to recharge for a very stressful week ahead. Now days, each day is the same as the last. I enjoy my time by writing novels.


    Laura Clark Reply:

    That’s terrific Francene! I take time on Sundays so that I won’t HAVE a stressful week ahead 😉


    Comment by Francene Stanley — January 27, 2013 @ 1:39 pm

  6. Sundays are the secret to success! Love it… I’ve done this now for the past several years. I have a planning appointment with my success coach for the year and quarterly. I review each month and adjust where I need to but the real secret to all of this are those Sunday reviews. My week is laid out and then I review each day the night before to make certain nothing has changed requiring adjustment. There’s an old saying that goes like this – If you fail to plan, plan to fail. I believe that 100%. Goals are just part of it. Your comment on scheduling personal care time reminds me of some great financial advice to pay myself first. What we do FIRST shows our highest priorities. Great post.


    Laura Clark Reply:

    I love how you think Kathi!!! For so many years, I paid others first and always came up short when it was time to write my own check in my business. Now, if I find there’s a struggle writing other’s pay checks after mine ~ it simply means my business is out of alignment and needs some work!!! 🙂


    Comment by Kathi Laughman — January 27, 2013 @ 2:05 pm

  7. Hi Laura
    I try to keep Sundays for relaxing and no work, I usually make my plans for the coming week on a Saturday that way I can keep Sundays Free to do whatever I feel like, sometimes I meet up with friends, other times I just chill out at home, if the weather is good I enjoy a walk along the beach 🙂
    Have a great week


    Laura Clark Reply:

    I have clients who have said no way can I do it on Sundays with too many family obligations and they have started using Saturday. Others use Monday AM. I like Sundays ~ for myself ~ because it gives me Saturday afternoon and sunday am to relax without thinking about the next week. What works best for each is what will be successful for you!! And, of course, I love those walks on the beach too 🙂


    Comment by Pauline — January 28, 2013 @ 11:41 am

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