Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How to Start A Journal Entry

It’s winter here in the Northeast and Puxatony Phil has told us that it will continue onward. It’s February afterall! But, how does that affect us. Mercury Retrograde is about to set in. People are cranky. Even my own personal journal had a blank page in it for awhile this morning. But, I know that inspiration can come from personal journals. So, if the winter has you slowed down. Try a journal entry to inspire. But, how to start a journal entry? It’s easier than you think!

Inspiration through the elements

Inspiration through the elements

If you are blocked, you can easily inspire a journal entry with prompts. Use this simple quick recipe to inspire an entry in your journal:

1. Recognize your block. Don’t waste time sitting there forever. Give yourself a set time and if writing doesn’t flow go to step #2

2. Open the door or the window and use the 4 elements. Take a deep breath in. Feel the moisture on your face. Imagine yourself being lifted to the sky with energy. Feel the earth beneath your feet.

3. Sit down to write. Start with one of these three sentences:


 “This is a free float of writing and I’m excited to see it’s direction.”

 “My breathing feels and I believe that means …”

“If my soul wanted to share a secret with me today, it would be …” 


And start answering them, the writing will come and the lessons will multiply! You can easily see how to write a journal entry when you discover this simple recipe! Do you use a journal to inspire your spirit and understand your soul’s whispers? What do you do for ‘writer’s block?’ 

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  1. Laura, love the journal starters. Sometimes the block comes from facing a blank page….LOL


    Laura Clark Reply:

    They DO ~ that white, pristine page looking back up at you saying “what ya got” “Nothing?” and then the ego starts talking and YIKES! I love journal starters! KEEP SMILING


    Comment by Lilia Lee — February 5, 2014 @ 10:36 am

  2. Today the snow alone inspired me. I love these tips and will save them for those blank page days. #3 is my favorite. Laura – Thank you!


    Comment by Cindy — February 5, 2014 @ 2:24 pm

  3. You sure struck a chord with the journal starters, Laura – they’re MY biggest take-away, too. Specific suggestions are so, so valuable. Thanks!


    Laura Clark Reply:

    You’re Welcome Kathleen. The great thing about starters is that the more you journal a. you won’t need them and b. they become more powerful and you can uncover those hidden messages “OF YOU” that your soul wants you to know! KEEP SMILING


    Comment by Kathleen Watson — February 6, 2014 @ 10:09 pm

  4. “If my soul wanted to share a secret with me today, it would be …” OM gosh… I love that one Laura!! What an awesome secret conversation to have with yourself! I’m not a huge journaling person… but I have my times when I’m alllll over it. I have found that wordless quite mediation music helps “set the mood” for me as well.


    Comment by Kelly — February 8, 2014 @ 9:32 am

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