Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

How To Let Go

Letting Go is never easy. Learning How to Let Go with Grace allows you to step forward with confidence.

Letting go is traditionally thought of as giving up. Surrendering. The very words bring up resistance and a sense of failure. It’s not always that. 
Learning How To Let Go of the things that are inevitable and useless to resist give us the confidence and courage to Let Go of the things that aren’t so obvious when holding onto them no longer serve our highest good.

By example, learning How To Let Go of summer and step into fall teaches us thelet_go_

beauty of letting go of other things in our lives that do not serve us. It’s always difficult for me to let go of summer. It means closing up our beloved Lake House and letting her rest and rejuvenate for next year’s fun. But, I have often resisted this in the past because it also means having to step fully into the dreams I’ve been creating for the year ahead during summer’s fun.

5 Things you must Embrace when learning How To Let Go of anything in life Click To Tweet

Over time, I’ve learned How to Let Go of summer. Like I had a choice, right? But, I could resist and sit in a place of discomfort. Or I could do so with Grace and allow the beauty of the fall to flow into my life. Here’s what I’ve learned about How to Let Go:

  1. Do Not Resist ~ when it’s time to go, it’s time to go. Holding onto something only creates auxillary problems. Worry. Stress. For the Lake house it would mean pipes freezing in the house and the problems that arise from that. What auxillary problems arise for us in our lives when we resist letting go of something? Health, worry, financial? 
  2. Embrace The Gifts. Be Grateful ~ if something has been in our life, it has been there because it has brought us many gifts and teachings. Children who are ready to leave the nest have brought to us much joy. Embrace that. 
  3. Accept The Lessons ~ when we have to let something go, accept the lessons. Perhaps, you’ve lost your job. What lessons can you learn from the process? What traits are hidden deep inside that you will have to rely on to go forward? 
  4. Look to the Future ~ go deep to understand yourself and your truest desires. Dream Big. Understand that when we learn How to Let Go, we are making room for something else in our lives. Dream it. Design it. Then, begin taking a small step toward that. It will open up many opportunities for you.
  5.  In-Joy The Moment ~ when we learn How To Let Go with Grace, we very easily see how to in-joy the moment at hand. The beauty that surrounds us each and every day. It is there. 

It’s time to let go of summer here at the Lake House and move forward with Grace. Learning How To Let Go allows me to do so with grace, smiles and a few loving tears. The Lake needs to rest.

What lessons have you discovered when you’ve let go of something? What truths have you uncovered? How can you use these 5 tenants to learn How To Let Go of something in the future? 

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