Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

Clutter: Clean it monthly~The Best Tip for the Home Office

The best Tip for Office Clutter that I know of is to tame it monthly.  Clearing the clutter out monthly allows you to not only tame it but to create a space to re-assess goals and priorities to help manifest your deepest desires! 


8 Steps to quickly shift the clutter in your home office into clarity each and every month Click To Tweet

Here is an 8 step process to follow that allows you to not only tame the clutter but create that space that invigorates and inspires you to follow your dreams:

  1. Assess Your Previous Month ~ have a process where you track your goals and do this first. How was the last month? Did you meet your goals? Why or why not? 
  2. Clear all ‘paper’ elements and file them ~ if you are not one to file paper each time it comes into your office but put it into piles. Now is the time to file them away by either a. putting them into a file b. scanning them into your computer and/or c. putting them into the circular file
  3. Clean, clear, replace off Desktop, Clean and reset ~ completely clear off your desk top. Clean it (preferably with a lemon scented cleaner). Then, with intention, replace the items back to their original spot (but only replace what you need but everything else away)
  4. Clean, Clear, Recreate Manifestation Board ~ I call mine my manifestation board. Some people simply call it their white board, bulletin board or place where they put the goals of the month in front of you. Clean off last month’s goals, clear any unnecessary items, Recreate with this month’s goals.
  5. Switch Affirmation under computer screen ~ Having a monthly affirmation allows you to return to tasks at hand quickly when you feel like your attention is shifting. Having this in front of you on your workspace allows you to see it, feel it and act as if to intentionally create your desires
  6. Clean & Set Your Sacred Shelf ~ this is that ONE special shelf in your office that inspires and re-invigorates you. Some may call it your office-altar. It holds the energy of support for you, of inspiration, of spiritual connection and of being in service to your work goals. 
  7. Clean, dust, vacuum and space clear room ~ this allows the stagnant energy that accumulates out of frustration, challenge, boredom to be dismantled. And, by infusing your space with an essential oil blend to reset the environment for abundance.
  8. Sit in the Energy & Visualize ~ spend a few moments to sit in the space and visualize what you want to accomplish over the next month. Visualize it having happened and how it will feel when it becomes your reality. Now, bring that feeling into the present and use it to inspire your work! 

The best tip to clutter clearing your home office is to do a system that includes these 8 steps monthly.

By taking an hour or two to implement it each month, you will be able to have a space that allows you to think more clearly and energizes you to do your best work. Working from a space like that allows you to manifest those goals you are looking to achieve. What’s your favorite step in this process?! 

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