Soul-Wise Living
Soul-Wise Living

7 Videos Gift Offer



Tame Your Inner Chatter 

Soothe Your Emotions

Align for Abundance

Discover Great Joy


About Laura Clark

Laura-Clark-round LAURA CLARK, known as the Soul Wise Living Mentor, overcame decades of depression by embracing her own spirit & following her own intuition. She now teaches a unique blend of spiritual awakening tools so her clients can hear their own inner wisdom consistently, understand it more clearly, and act upon it more courageously. By doing so, they discover how to lead an inspired life filled with more joy & abundance than they ever imagined.

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Your FREE Intuition Navigation Kit includes :

7 Empowering Videos:

  • Guide Your Thoughts to Tame Your Chatter
  • Journey with Your Emotions to Know Their Meaning
  • Look for the Moss Around the Tree to Ground Your Body
  • Follow the Sun to Elevate Your Vibration
  • Create the Path through the Clutter
  • Let Your Pen Lead the Way to Your Soul’s Wisdom
  • Discover Advanced Compass Tools to Bring on Your Journey

As well as 3 SACRED BONUSES:

  1. The Basic Compass for Your Journey: Loving Kindness (MP3)
  2. 101 Sacred Soul Prompts to Help You Quickly Access Your Inner Wisdom (PDF)
  3. A subscription to the popular Soul Wise Musings ezine
